How to create Chat invitations in LiveAgent

In this video tutorial I will show you how to create Chat invitation in LiveAgent.
Engage your website visitors by inviting them to Live chat with your Agents. Setup Chat invitations for custom URLs on your website (e.g. your pricing page).Invite visitors to Chat with you during the checkout process, build their purchase confidence, increase shopping experience and convert them into paying customers by having a real person chat with them. Easily setup a custom popout time for your Chat invitations.

Video Instructions

  1. Navigate to Configuration>Chat>Invitations and click on Create.

  2. Choose your new chat invitation style - side, corner, center or create a custom chat invitation by writing your own code.
  3. In the next window, navigate to Invitation section and change invitation texts, position and colors.

  4. In the chat window section you can configure design, size, title, welcome message, position and colors of your chat window.
  5. In the advanced settings section, you can name your chat invitation, choose a department where the chats will be routed and select the chat invitation’s language.
  6. To enable this invitation check Active and setup invitation show time and conditions that should be met before chat invitatation appears on your website.
  7. When you’re done with editing, confirm your changes by clicking on Create.
  8. Now navigate to the Overview section, copy the displayed code and paste it before the body tag of all websites where you want to display chat invitation.

  9. Refresh your page and start inviting your visitors to chat!

Chat invitations Text Setup

If you prefer text with screenshots instructions over video, see Chat invitations setup guide.
