Understanding message group types


When configuring rules in LiveAgent, you may come across a rule condition called "message group type". This condition appears when you select the "Message Added" or "Message Group Added" triggers:

  1. Message Added
    This rule activates when a user (owner/admin/agent) or customer adds a message (response) to a ticket or chat. System-generated messages do not trigger this rule.
    Example Use Case: If you want to notify all users (owner/admin/agent) when a high-priority ticket receives a new response from a customer or automatically resolve a ticket once an agent responds, you should use this trigger.
  2. Message Group Added
    This rule activates when any message group is added to a ticket, including system messages, internal messages, agent responses, and more. It's recommended to define a "message group type" condition for this rule.
    Example Use Case: If you want to be notified when a ticket is deleted by an agent or admin, you should use this trigger.


Description of Message Group Types

The "Message Group Types" condition allows you to specify the types of messages that should trigger the rule. Below is a description of all available message types:

- Chat: A standard chat, regardless of its origin (chat button, proactive invitation, manual invitation, etc.).
- Delete: A system message added when a ticket is deleted by an agent or admin.
- Internal: A message added as an internal note to a ticket.
- Offline Internal: An agent's reply to a ticket notification that is added to the ticket as an "offline internal" message type. This type of message is visible in LiveAgent, but not sent to ticket recipients.
- Offline: A message sent to LiveAgent by a customer via contact forms or the customer portal.
- Incoming Email: An email sent to LiveAgent by a customer.
- Outgoing Email: An email sent from LiveAgent, either as an agent's reply to a ticket or a new outgoing email.
- Resolve: A system message added to a ticket when it is resolved.
- Spam: A system message added to a ticket when it is marked as spam.
- Startinfo: The initial system message added to chats containing information such as URL, visitor's operating system, language, IP, etc.
- Transfer: A system message added to a ticket when it is transferred.
- Split: A system message added to a ticket when a split function is used.
- Postpone: A system message added to a ticket when it is postponed.
- Tag: A system message added to a ticket when a tag is applied.
- Facebook: A message fetched via Facebook integration, such as a private message, wall post, or comment on your Facebook page.
- Knowledgebase: Subsequent messages/posts in a forum topic or suggestion topic.
- Knowledgebase Start: The first message in a forum topic or suggestion topic.
- Phone: A message created when an incoming call is logged in a ticket.
- Phone Internal: A message created when an internal call is made (agent to agent within LiveAgent or call transfer).
- Phone Outgoing: A message created when an agent initiates an outgoing call in a ticket.
- Twitter: A message created by the Twitter integration.
- Retweet: A message created when a tweet is retweeted from LiveAgent.
