Notification (postback) calls to external applications (scripts)

Most power users operate multiple different softwares to cover every single aspect of their customer relations and users like these are always interested in connecting multiple solutions together so they can easily cooperate.

Pretty much whatever your communication/integration requirement is there is a good chance that one of our LiveAgent functions can cover it.

If you are interested to provide to your agents information from external scripts or softwares then our Display external info in ticket plugin is what you are looking for. As a brief explanation it can display content returned by some external script in ticket details so it is easily accessible to agents. Nice use case would be for example to display orders of a customer with whom your agent is currently communicating directly in LiveAgent in ticket details and maybe even add some basic management options to confirm or refund orders in your shop.

If your requirement is to notify 3rd party software/script about something what happened in your LiveAgent then what you are looking for is our powerful automated Rules engine and its action to make HTTP request.

When creating a rule in your LiveAgent admin panel under Configuration->Automation->Rules you will have an option for action to make HTTP request to external URL in which you can send different LiveAgent data using provided variables. Besides simple GET request to external URL there are also options for POST and DELETE request in which you can build your own request header and request body using our variables. Using this solution you can achieve quite a lot. As a simple example you can add a user to your Mailchimp list if the user left a negative ranking of your agent.

Here you can see how the configuration of this option looks like:

And these are the available variables:

{$initiator_id} - Action Initiator - ID
{$initiator_username} - Action Initiator - Username
{$initiator_firstname} - Action Initiator - First Name
{$initiator_lastname} - Action Initiator - Last Name

{$last_in_ticket_agent_id} - Last Agent in Conversation - ID
{$last_in_ticket_agent_username} - Last Agent in Conversation - Username
{$last_in_ticket_agent_firstname} - Last Agent in Conversation - First Name
{$last_in_ticket_agent_lastname} - Last Agent in Conversation - Last Name

{$conv_last_message} - Last conversation message
{$conv_code} - Ticket ID
{$conv_conversationid} - Internal conversation ID
{$conv_datecreated} - Conversation Created date
{$conv_datechanged} - Conversation changed date
{$conv_datedue} - Conversation due date
{$conv_priority} - Conversation priority
{$conv_departmentName} - Department name
{$conv_departmentid} - Department ID
{$conv_agentid} - Ticket assigned to - Agent ID
{$conv_urlCode} - Ticket URL Code
{$conv_startreferer} - Ticket referer
{$conv_status} - Ticket Status
{$conv_subject} - Ticket subject
{$conv_tags} - Ticket tags
{$conv_channelType} - Ticket channel type id

{$contact_emails} - Comma separated Contact emails
{$contact_contactid} - Contact ID
{$contact_parent_contactid} - Parent Contact ID
{$contact_firstname} - Contact First Name
{$contact_lastname} - Contact Last Name
{$contact_system_name} - Contact System Name
{$contact_email} - Contact Emails [Recordset]*
{$contact_phone} - Contact Phones [Recordset]*
{$contact_twitter_name} - Contact Twitter Handles
{$contact_description} - Contact Description
{$contact_avatar_url} - Contact Avatar URL
{$contact_city} - Contact City
{$contact_countrycode} - Contact Country Code
{$contact_time_offset} - Contact Time Offset
{$contact_levelid} - Contact Gamification Level ID
{$contact_groups} - Contact Groups
{$contact_note} - Contact Note
{$contact_company} - Contact Company
{$contact_gender} - Contact Gender
{$contact_status} - Contact Status

{$buttonId} - Button ID
{$invitationId} - Invitation ID

Variables for all ticket (conversation) fields created under Configuration->System->Ticket fields
{$conv_field_FieldCode} - Field Name

Variables for all contact fields created under Configuration->System->Contact fields
{$contact_field_FieldCode} - Field Name

* [Recordset] means the returned data is a JSON array. It the first element is a table header (array of column names), the following elements are table row arrays.
